Expanding and growing!
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We are thrilled to announce that our head office has moved to a new location. With the significant growth we have experienced in the past year, this new space will provide us with the room we need to continue expanding. 

Stay tuned for more information on our upcoming open house…

New Address:
36 York Mills, Suite 201
Toronto, ON M2P 2E9

Industry Trends - Canadian Dental Care Plan

The new Canadian Dental Care program aimed at helping Canadians cover dental expenses has sparked inquiries among employers regarding their group benefit plans. 

Click below for more information on eligibility.

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Employers considering dropping dental from benefits plan should think twice: expert

By: Lauren Bailey – Benefits Canada

Dental-care program’s employer reporting requirement may cause barriers to care: experts

By: Lauren Bailey – Benefits Canada

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More Canadians struggling to meet day-to-day expenses compared to 2 years ago: report


“The number of Canadians who are struggling financially today is bigger than the comparable data recorded when the COVID-19 pandemic was still ongoing, according to a report from Statistics Canada (StatCan).

Overall, 45% of Canadians report that rising prices are greatly affecting their ability to meet day-to-day expenses, 12 percentage points higher than two years earlier (33%).”….

Employee Perk of the Month

Employees have the opportunity to unlock exclusive perks beyond their group benefit package with WorkPerks!

Connect with your Client Success Representative to learn more!